Your African enterprise solutions

Services Offered

Do you have fuzzy IT business services dangling inside your IT department? BenSino IT Corporation offers business intelligence and digital automation services to fix your outdated processes and automate all workflows.

Are your IT department overwhelmed by tons of new applications development? BenSino IT provides assistance for carrying out onsite contracts for designing and developing enterprise solutions including web development (websites, e-commerces, mobile), APIs & web-services, and IT infrastructure development.

Are you an innovative thinker that wants to increase productivity with the latest technologies? BenSino IT Corporation supplies its own new product lines that integrate the very latest technologies available including blockchain integration with IoT. For instance, in collaboration with the gaming division of BenSino EG SASU, the upcoming game (fall 2026) “The king Behanzin aka Kondo the shark” will be fully distributed and sold on our e-commerce website. Before that, the engineering division has built its software package for inventory-sharing and consumer-purchasing habits tracking and management on top of SuiteCRM.

Overall, our services comprise turnkey solutions in...

Web Development

a. Websites
Build websites from planning to maintenance:
- Create Sitemap
- Build the backend (Databases, Servers, Infrastructure, API Driven & Git-Based Headless CMS, etc)
- Build the frontend
- Integrate if necessary CMS (Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal) with advanced functionalities
- Add securities and SEO
b. E-Commerces
Build e-commerce websites from planning to maintenance:
- Create Sitemap
- Build the backend (Servers, Infrastructure, API Driven & Git-Based Headless CMS, etc)
- Add advanced database integration
- Build the frontend
- Integrate if necessary advanced CMS (Shopify, WooCommerce, etc) with custom e-commerce functionalities
- Add securities and SEO
c. Mobile
Build hybrid apps (Android & iOS) from planning to maintenance:
- Build the backend (APIs)
- Build the frontend (mobile app with React Native or Flutter)
- Add enhanced user experience and interface design
- Add machine learning capability
- Add securities and analytics
- Perform QA testings
- Deploy to app store

Software Development

a. Enterprise software
Build software (cloud and on-premise) tailored to your business needs:
- Elicit the requirements
- Develop the software
- Perform QA testing
- Release the software
b. APIs & Webservices
Build REST/SOAP applications:
- Elicit OpenAPI specifications (Swagger) and build a prototype
- Define the preferred style (REST, SOAP, or XML-RPC) and format (JSON, XML, etc)
- Develop, implement, and secure the endpoints
- Handle errors responses and codes
- Perform QA testing
- Deploy the APIs and/or web-services

Business Intelligence

Big Data, ETL, AI, Analytics
Build cloud and on-premise business intelligence solutions:
- Elicit the business requirements
- Orchestrate ecosystem of platforms for data sources ETL processes
- Apply AI to turn data into insights
- Accomplish the business analytics (insights into business value)
- Evaluate the business KPIs and optimize the developed BI solution
- Perform QA testing
- Deploy the BI solution to production

Infrastructure Development

a. Digital Automation
Build cloud and on-premise process-driven applications for complex business needs:
- Elicit the business requirements
- Integrate AI (ML, DL, NLP) capabilities into end-to-end processes
- Implement rule-based architecture with service design approach
- Build fast and highly scalable platform with DevOps thinking approach
- Perform QA testing
- Deploy the ecosystem to production
b. IoT & Blockchain
Integrate blockchain to IoT for secure logistics and healthcare applications:
- Build IoT business network platforms of sensors and medical devices
- Automate the security and auditability of data transaction inside the network with blockchain
- Convert the network data into insights and business values
- Deploy the ecosystem to production

Our main programming languages are Java EE, JSP, JSF, TypeScript, PHP, Python, Scala, C/C++, and SQL for systems and software while Java 8+, Swift, Kotlin, JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3/SASS/LESS are used for mobile and web applications. 
In addition, the following frameworks are intensively used: Angular, React, PrimeFaces, JWT, Spring Security, Jackson, OSGI, Swagger, Spring Boot & Hibernate, EJB & EclipseLink, GWT & SmartGWT, Node.js, Next.js, Tailwind, and Zend as well as Android and iOS software development kits.

Finally, our agile development environment has been set up with JIRA, Confluence, SuiteCRM, Strapi, DigitalOcean, AWS, Google Cloud, Cloudflare, IAM, Okta, Docker, TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, Hadoop, Spark, SpaCy, Babel, Spring Cloud Vault, Spring Cloud Stream, Spring Cloud Netflix (Eureka, Feign, Hystrix, Ribbon, Zuul), Envoy Proxy, HAProxy, Istio, Kafka, Redis, Liquibase, Zookeeper, Kubernetes, Jenkins, RabbitMQ, JMS, RxJava, JBoss Drools, Apache SOLR, MantisBT, Common DevOps tools, CMS tools, In-Memory & SQL & NoSQL databases, ETL tools, Spring Tool Suite, Eclipse, IntelliJ, and Netbeans IDEs, Maven, Gradle, Ant, Sbt, and Grunt, SVN & Git, and the servers Apache HTTP/Nginx, Tomcat/WebSphere, and Glassfish/WebLogic for web applications and SQLite, CouchDB, Firebase, Android Studio, Xcode, and Unity for mobile applications.
