Our Story
Ralph D’Almeida, P.Eng.
Founder and President
+ 1 613 266 2456
[email protected]https://rdalmeida.bensino-eg.com/blog/
Graduated in microelectronics at Louis Pasteur University in Strasbourg (France), he contributed to the design of a hybrid GPS/Galileo receiver in VHDL. Passionate by microelectronics and software development, he worked for major companies (IBM, Cogeco, Vidéotron etc...) in Canada developing large scale enterprise applications, APIs, and web services, servicing and administering IT infrastructure. Always embracing the latest technologies available, he has personally engineered various secure and highly scalable enterprise software in Java EE, Scala, JavaScript, Python, and PHP; provided enterprise solutions to small businesses; deployed cloud and on-premise BI solutions to production; fully digitized companies ecosystems.